Investors and Supporters

The following People and Organisations invest in the Network and its Mission through the provision of their time and support, grants, sponsorship and donations to the Veterans’ Wellbeing Network MNC to support Veterans and their Families.

ONGC Systems IT Software Partner

Department of Veterans’ Affairs

Nonprofit Solutions and Technology

C.ex Group for Community support

Legacy through the support of its Advocates and Wellbeing Support Officers.

P.V.A. through the support of its Advocates and Wellbeing Support Officers.

RSL NSW ANZAC House and the Sub-Branches within the Networks Area of Operations (Coffs Harbour, Sawtell, Wauchope, Wingham).

Sailing On for the provision of wellbeing support in the form of sailing and camaraderie.

Vietnam Veterans Federation through the support of its Advocates and Wellbeing Support Officers.