Who are we?

The Network are our volunteers who strive to support our Veterans and their Families. Our volunteers are Advocates, Wellbeing Support Officers and other talented interested and supportive people and are Members of are partner Ex-Service Organisation.

Our Executive Committee

Geoff Harrison

Geoff Harrison
President and Senior Advocate

Geoff served in the Australian Army for 30 years as a Logistician and Training Specialist. His civilian career has included L & D Specialist, Registered Training Organisation Manager and Aviation Security Specialist. Geoff’s passion for Veteran Advocacy began in 1995 and he is now an ATDP qualified and accredited Wellbeing and Compensation Advocate. He is also the ATDP Regional Manager for Region 2 (ACT, NSW, WA) responsible for Advocate and ESO support.

Geoff has a Masters in Instructional Systems Design and a couple of Teaching Degrees. He also represents the Midcoast Veterans’ Wellbeing Centre.

Louise Freebairn
Vice President

Louise served 9 years in the Army Reserve with careers as an Office Manager, Liaison Officer Support Centre, Executive member of QIEA, Diplomatic exchange teacher in Germany, Senior Education Officer & Acting Principal Education Officer with Education QLD.  Her executive positions dealt with policy & procedure, district/regional/state & inter-state organisations in matters of financial & personnel communication.  Louise holds a MEd, BA, Grad. Dip Teach (Primary) & Dip. Teach (Secondary).  She is currently also President of the Partners of Veterans Assoc. of NSW Branch inc. (encompassing ACT & NT) & is a nationally accredited Wellbeing Advocate Level 2.

Louise Freebairn

Todd Vercoe
Vice President

More to follow…

Kerrie McCormick

Kerrie has a background in adult education – particularly in the Community Sector. She holds a Master of Education, a Bachelor of Education (Community Adult Education), A Grad Cert in Higher Education and assorted Vocational Training qualifications. Following many years teaching in Community Colleges and Workplace Training situations, Kerrie then coordinated an international post graduate distance education programme at the University of Sydney for 13 years. Since moving to Coffs Harbour in 2009, she has been actively involved in many volunteer roles involving Senior’s education and training. Kerrie is currently the NSW Secretary for the Partners of Veterans Association of Australia Inc, having been a member for about 15 years.

Kerrie McCormick

Kellie Harrison

Kellie Harrison
Treasurer and Public Officer

Kellie is the Treasurer and Public Officer for the VWNMNC. Kellie has had many roles in the Nursing profession and in Office Management. Her last role before retiring from paid work was as Manager of the Taree Life Blood Service. She has also held accounting positions, managed a retail outlet, worked for Pharmaceuticals and volunteers for her local church.

Richard Kelloway
Advocacy Advisor

Richard joined the RAAF in 1962. His service included combat operations in Vietnam as a USAF Forward Air Controller, and flying duties in Sabre, Mirage, and the F-111 squadrons as well as basic and advanced flying training. His post-RAAF careers included Public Service in foreign policy and international development, followed by consultancy practice in strategic planning and change management in small business and Aboriginal community development.

Richard began volunteering as a veteran’s advocate in 2007 and is a practicing Level 4 Advocate. He is very active in veterans’ advocacy training and development and continues to participate in a wide range of veterans’ legislation and health services reviews.

Richard is married to Jenny, has three adult children and has four grandchildren. One of the founders of VCMNC (now VWNMNC), he is enormously proud of the progress that is being made by the Committee and advocates.

Richard Kelloway